Thursday, January 27, 2011

期待 ♥

农历 新年就快 来临了..
各位 买了 新年衣了没?? 
很期待 新年的 到来..
因为 可以拿到 很多的 红包.. 
也可以 顺便乘这个佳节 替自己的 衣橱增加 更多美美的 新衣..
新包包 新化妆品 新鞋子还有 很多很多啊..........
全部 都是新的.. [开心]

在新年 还没到来的 时候 我和妈咪 都会去 牛车水 办年货.. [可是 今年还没有啦..]
可是那里 总是那么的 热闹..
而且 瓜子 和豆豆 都很新鲜 而且又好吃..
不知道 妈咪今年去 办了没..
因为我 都在读书 所以都不知道.. ))):
可是 上个星期 回家的 时候..
有跟爸爸 一起去 买新年的 饰品来 布置家.. 
那种 感觉真好..!!!
我家 现在可是 充满着 新年的气氛呢..!!! ♥ [开心开心]

每年 的除夕 我们一家人 都会回 外婆家去吃 团圆饭..
外婆 煮的 菜 都超好吃的啦..!!!
哇.. 现在想到 都流口水啊..
过后 就会一家人 一起回家 倒数 和等待过年的 那一刻..
我和 弟弟 每年都会坐在 电视机前 聊天 看戏 吃零食..
还有 还有 除夕的 那个晚上我们 都会把 花生 瓜子 豆豆 都倒进罐子里.. [哈哈哈哈]
每次都 一边倒 一边吃.. 超爽的..!!!!!
这是 我们一定 会做的事..[哈哈]

好啦.. 越说 我就越期待了..
希望 农历新年 快快来..!!!
我要 真的 好好的 吃吃吃 玩玩玩 睡睡睡..!!! 
晚安咯.. 各位.. 


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lovely Tuesday ♥

Hi, peeps.. Here I come again.. 
Out to town with babe girls today..
The reason why we went to town was because we were invited to attend a performance which performed by our talented babe girl Zhang Peir..
And *shun bian* shopping at Bugis also.. [Haha] 

Before went out to meet my babe girls..

Reached there around 4 something..
We went to have our dinner at Ajisen Ramen..
So that we have enough energy to shop later.. [Hehe]
I tried to upload the picture of the food so many times but just couldn't upload it..
Don't know why.. [Sign]

The three of us.. In the toilet.. >.<

After our dinner we went to buy KOI.. 
Super nice bubble milk tea..
Always soo soo many people queeing there..

But unfortunately I couldn't finish it cause I was too full that time..

Me & AChua..

AKwang & me..

AKwang & AChua..

After KOI we went shopping at Bugis street..
Bought lot of things from there..!!! Cheap and nice.. [Happy]

Around 7 something we went to Peir's school..
The performance started at 8 o'clock..
Some pictures of the Opera..
Let the pictures talk.. [Haha]

The performance was very sucessful..!!!
This picture was taken after the performance..
Happy Family.. 

The four of us..
Zhang Peir.. You are so talented..!!!
I am so PROUD of you.. 

We went back home straight away after the performance..
It's a tired but happy and lovely Tuesday..
Enjoy my life now..



Monday, January 10, 2011

New year, new life & new wishes.. Welcome my 2011 ♥

It's only January of year 2011 but there is so much things I am looking forward to..!!! 
NEW YEAR.. A new year means a lot to me..
A chance for me to change myself to be a better and mature person..
And also a chance for me to make all my wishes and dream come true.. Hopefully.. [Hehe]

I wish my family, my hubii, my babe girls & I can have a healthy and strong body..
I wish my family, my hubii, my babe girls & I can always *ping ping an an*..
I hope hubii & I can always be so blissful like what we do now..
I hope I can have a romantic and wonderful 3 years anniversary celebration with hubii..
I hope I can travel with hubii this year..

I hope my friendship between my babe girls and I can always be so good..
I hope I can get my lisence and finish my Diploma course successfully..
I hope I can get an interesting part time job to earn some money and learn something different..
I hope I can have an awesome birthday with all my loves..
I hope I can get what I want to get in this year..
There are still a lot more wishes......!!!

I want my 2011 to be AWESOME..
2011 will be a lovely year for me..!!!
Hwaiting Hwaiting Hwaiting..!!!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Part of my life ♥

Hello peeps.. 
Welcome to my blog..
I just created my very first blog in year 2011..
Is it a good sign for me?? [Hehe]

Link to the title of my first entry..
*Part of my life*
The reason why I created this blog is because I will like to note down what actually happen around me..
And also help me to remember the joyful moments which I have spend with all my loves..

Yesh..!!! Is me.. 
Nothing much to describe about me..
A girl who is loved and doted by her family, her hubii, and her babe girls..
I love my family, my hubii and my babe girls to the max, too.. 
One blessed girl..

This is my hubii.. 
We have been together for 3 years liaw..
I hope we can still have many *1000000000 3 years to go.. 
My life wouldn't be perfect if without him in my life..
Love is in the air..
I love you so DAMN muchiii hubii.. 

This is my babe girl, AChua..
I knew her since we were still in our mommy stomach..
My mommy and her mommy is super duper BFF..
She is my super duper NO 1 BFF too..!!!
6 words to tell her *感谢你出生了*..
The 6 words she used to tell me also..
It means everything..
I love you to the max max max AChua.. 

My babe girl, AKwang..
We knew each other since we were in Secondary school..
Me and her *经过许多大风大浪* but we are still the best friend now..!!!
She always help me to doll up and we always like to do something *insane* together..
I love you to the max too, Dong Sao.. 

Babe girl Zhang Peir.. 
Ok.. Now I only know we have been such a long time din't take a proper photo together liaw..
This photo was taken by N years ago..
Both of us know each other for 7 years alrdy..
She is the one who always stay beside me no matter what happen to me..
I love you forever Peir.. 

Ok.. I shall END here now..
It's time for me to sleep liaw.. [Sleepy]
Will update very soon..
Goodnight World.. 
